The National University has its origin dating back to 1962 when the UNESCO established the Asian Regional Centre for Educational Planners and Administrators which later became the Asian Institute of Educational Planning and Administration in 1965. After 4 years of its existence, it was taken over by the Government of India and renamed as the National Staff College for Educational Planners and Administrators. Subsequently, with the increased roles and functions of the National Staff College, particularly in capacity building, research and professional support services to governments, it was again renamed as the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA) in 1979.
The National University comprises ten Departments. It has an outstanding multi-disciplinary faculty and a library which is well stocked with a large number of books, national and international journals and official documents in the area of educational planning and administration. In addition to its multifarious activities, the National University offers Full-time Integrated M.Phil.-Ph.D., Full-time Direct Ph.D. and Part-time Ph.D. programmes in educational policy, planning and administration from a broader inter-disciplinary social science perspective. The research programmes of NUEPA cover all levels and types of education from both national and international development perspectives.
(Declared by the GOI under section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956)
17‐B, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi‐110016
- Assistant
- L.D.C
- Driver
- Peon
- Chowkidar
- Mali
The applicant should not exceed age limit indicated above, as on the last date of receipt of application.
Application Fee: - for all post
Applications should be on plain paper neatly written or typed with a Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- for General & OBC Category and Rs. 100/- for SC/ST Category in favour of The Registrar, NUEPA New Delhi, alongwith two recent passport size photographs, one pasted on application a self addressed stamped (Rs.10) envelope of size 22cm x 10cm. However applicants belonging to PWD category with minimum of 40 % of disability are exempted from payment of fees. Candidate must write his/her name and address and Post applied for on back of Demand Draft. Fees once paid will not be refunded. No TA/DA will be paid to appear for written test. Relaxation and Reservation for various categories will be available as per Govt. of India Instructions.
Closing Date for Receipt of Applications.
Application complete in all respect must reach The Registrar, National University of Educational Planning and Administration, 17-B, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016 within one month from the date of publication of the advertisement (i.e., 19/01/2010). Applications received after the closing date OR NOT accompanied by the prescribed fee (wherever applicable) OR incomplete in any respect shall be summarily rejected and no communication shall be entertained from any of the candidates in this regard. NUEPA shall not be responsible for any postal delay/loss.
NUEPA Jobs details : http://www.nuepa.org/Download/Vacancy_Info_Dec2009.pdf
NUEPA application form : http://www.nuepa.org/Download/Application_Form_Dec2009.pdf