Ranked amongst the top ten public sector companies in India in terms of turnover, SAIL manufactures and sells a broad range of steel products, including hot and cold rolled sheets and coils, galvanised sheets, electrical sheets, structurals, railway products, plates, bars and rods, stainless steel and other alloy steels. SAIL produces iron and steel at five integrated plants and three special steel plants, located principally in the eastern and central regions of India and situated close to domestic sources of raw materials, including the Company's iron ore, limestone and dolomite mines. The company has the distinction of being India’s second largest producer of iron ore and of having the country’s second largest mines network. This gives SAIL a competitive edge in terms of captive availability of iron ore, limestone, and dolomite which are inputs for steel making.
Operator-Cum-Technician (Trainee)
1. Mechanical
2. Electrical
3. Metallurgy
4. Electronics
5. Chemical
6. Civil
* Essential Qualification Matriculation with Diploma in Engineering in one of the following discipline (Mechanical / Electrical / Metallurgy/Electronics / Chemical / Civil) Age Maximum 28 yrs. as on 01/10/2009
* Training Period 2 years
* Stipend during training period During this period a consolidated stipend of Rs. 7,500/- Per Month will be paid during 1st year and Rs. 8,500/- Per Month during 2nd year.
* Sex Male/Female
General conditions :
* Candidates not fulfilling the above requirements need not apply.
* The date, time and place of the selection process will be intimated later on.
* The above posts carry benefits such as CPF, Gratuity, Industrial DA, Dearness Pay (DP), Conveyance Allowance, free medical facility, LTC/LLTC etc. as admissible & as per the rules of the company.
* The candidates employed in Govt. Department / PSU / Autonomous bodies must produce NOC at the time of Interview. In case, the candidate fails to produce the certificate his/her candidature will not be considered.
* Attested / Self Attested Photocopies of all academic and professional Qualifications, proof of date of Birth (Matric/High School Certificate). Caste Certificate issued by a Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar, attested photograph should be attached along with the application. Applications not accompanied with attested copies of certificates and photograph will be rejected. All certificates should be either in Hindi or English only.
* For claiming the benefit admissible to PWDs under the Act, candidates are required to produce disability certificate issued by the Medical Board duly constituted by the State Govt./Central Govt. as per the provisions of Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act 1995. They have to satisfy the relaxed Physical Standard required for the posts. In case, the candidate fails to produce the certificate in the prescribed format issued by Competent Authority, his/ her candidature will not be considered. A copy of the Disability Certificate must be submitted alongwith the application for consideration of their name under PH category.
* Upper age limit is further relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates with respect to posts reserved for them. Upper age is relaxable by 10 years for Physically Challenged candidates, Cumulative age relaxation is available for those Physically Challenged candidates, Cumulative age relaxation is avail able for those Physically Challenged candidates who belong to SC/ST/OBC category. Age relaxation for ex-serviceman as per Govt. Directives. The OBC candidates who belong to "CREAMY LAYER" are not entitled for OBC concession and such candidates have to indicate their category as "General".
* Envelop containing the application should be clearly superscribed 'Application for the post of Operator-Cum-Technician (Trainee)’
* Candidature of a candidate is liable to be rejected at any state of the recruitment process or after recruitment or joining, if any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or is not found in conformity with eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement. Bhilai Steel Plant reserves the right to reject the applications and no communication in this regard will be made with the applicants.
* Bringing influence at any stage of the selection process will disqualify the candidate.
* SAIL/BSP reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility standards and/or relax age, criteria in otherwise suitable cases. The Management reserves the right to fill or not to fill all or any of the above positions without assigning any reason whatsoever. In case large no. of applications are received, shortlisting will be done. Mere fulfilling of the elibility criteria will not entitle the applicant to be considered for the selection process.
* Candidates must ensure that they possess the required Physical Standard. Candidates will have to produce a medical certificate issued by Registered Medical Practitioner / Government Doctor certifying the required Physical Standard at the time of interview. Also, if selected, they will have to undergo regular medical examination and satisfy the
medical standards of Bhilai Steel Plant before joining.
* The prescribed qualification / experience are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle a candidate for written test/ interview. SAIL / BSP's decision shall be final in this regard.
* Selected candidetes shall also be required to serve in any of the mines owned by Bhilai Steel Plant for which the candidates will be required to submit an affidavit at the time of interview, if any.
* The advertisement is available at SAIL website www.sail.co.in. Any subsequent changes if made in the employment notice shall be com municated through the website. Candidates are advised to keep them selves updated of the changes if any.
* The vacancies shown are provisional and liable to be increased or decreased or may be reduced to nil : In which case Bhilai Steel Plant is not liable to compensate the applicant for the consequential damages.
Application typed on a plain paper, giving full particulars in the enclosed format, addressed to Post Box No. 16, Post Office Sector-1, Bhilai, Distt-Durg, CG Pin - 490 001, along with a fresh crossed non-refundable A/c payee demand draft of Rs. 250/- (SC/ST and Physically Handicapped candidiates are exempted from application fees) drawn in favour of the Steel Authority of India Ltd., Bhilai Steel Plant, on any Nationalised Bank payable at Bhilai with Branch Code No., should be sent through ordinary post (Post Bag does not accept Registered Post / Speed Post etc) and must reach on or before 02.01.2010. Incomplete applications or applications received after 02.01.2010 will not be considered. Application sent by any other means will not be accepted. E-mails/Fax correspondence will not be entertained. Bhilai Steel Plant will not be responsible for any postal delay. This advertisement may be seen at SAIL Website www. Sail. co.in.
SAIL Jobs details : http://sail.co.in/pdf/tender141209%281%29.pdf